Ageing and Hair Laying

Today was “portfolio makeup” day – basically a day to do whatever we wanted with an aim to get a good portfolio photo.

The end of year hand in requirements for portfolio are quite specific and include some things we are not assessed on but still learn. Two of these are ageing makeup and hair laying. I already had photos of these separately, but thought I could do much better. So today I did.

We based the beard on Ambrose Burnside because he has awesome mutton chops, then went a bit more rugged. I am really happy with the result. Check out these pics for the process starting with no makeup:


Thanks very much to Dave who was my model today!

Edit: Forgot to mention I used Skin Illustrator for the ageing. I hand-painted the wrinkles and age spots, and used a stipple sponge to create the look of broken capillaries. It’s really awesome stuff and now I have a new item on my “must buy” list.